Association and Club Development Resources
Administration & Governance
Administration and governance can be challenging for clubs and associations looking to improve the management of club. Addressing policy, guidelines and governance can be a daunting task without resources and a framework in which to build your club. The following links are to national organisations that can assist your club and association with administration and governance. Each state will also have state-specific organisations. Links to these organisations can be found on your state governing body website
Sport Australia Governance Resources
This site provides practical and easily applicable resources for managing a club including templates for policies, one-page strategic planning and position descriptions for committee roles.
A one-stop-shop, designed to bring together useful resources, tools and practical tips and tricks in one place. These resources will assist you to attract, retain and celebrate volunteers at the heart of your club and community sport more broadly.
This site provides general information on club management and covers many areas including planning, child safety and more.
Sport Integrity Australia – Protecting sport together
This site provides information on integrity and the policies in place. It includes education on areas like drugs, match-fixing and other issues and has a section on education that is helpful for administrators.
Play by the Rules - Making Sport inclusive, safe and fair
Play by the Rules provides information, resources, tools and free online training to increase the capacity and capability of administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to assist them in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.
This site provides assistance with policies and compliance with legal requirements with regard to drugs and alcohol. Good Sports can also assist with obtaining a Liquor Licence for your club or association.
This site provides training opportunities for committee members and volunteers.
This site provides a number of resources to support and assist your committee including position descriptions and policy development documents. In addition, there are several webinars on various administration and governance topics.
Softball Australia Forms, Policies, Guidelines and more
This page on the Softball Australia website provides access to policies and guidelines specific to softball in Australia including the Member Protection Policy and Championships regulations and information.
In designing programs and attracting new members, clubs should aim to provide a participant-focused product. Programs that engage and retain are a result of planning and tailoring to the specific requirements of the participants.
Participation Design Toolkit | Sport Australia
Increasing membership | Club Help
Softball Australia – Foundation Coaching
Each year in the pre-season (July-August), the staff of Softball SA present a forum over 2 nights, covering various topics of interest to all associations, clubs and interested community members. This is part of the Softball SA strategic plan, to provide information to our community in preparation for the upcoming season, including registration, finances, board updates, membership and participation strategies such as Sporting Schools and Home Run Heroes programs, etc.
Please see the attached file for the 2024 Club Development Forum PowerPoint presentation.
Please forward any enquiries to and check our social media and your email for the 2025 dates.
Grants and funding enable your club to tackle projects, renovations or events that may not have been possible with external help. Not-for-profit clubs and associations can use the below resources for guidance and sources of funding.
Participation Grants and Funding for Sport and Recreation | Clearinghouse for Sport
Grants and Funding | Sport Australia
Events and Fundraising Ideas for Clubs (Thanks to Sports Community)
Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal